From me to you #apeekatmylife

I’m busy taking down a fence this weekend, visiting my parents and updating my website. I’m not participating in any Memorial Day celebrations, but I won’t forget the reason we have them. As a Veteran, it is hard not to.

But we go on and honor those who didn’t come home. As we all should. Those who are protesting and hating America, remember the only reason you can do that without dying or being imprisoned is because men and women who believed in this country gave you that right. Go to the countries you’re protesting for and try it there.

So, set down your flags, stop your protest for the day and honor those who fought for that right. Then start again the next day. It is your right to do so, and every Veteran served this country to give you that right to peacefully protest. Remember that.

Now, off my horse, lol. Enjoy your picnics, cookouts, boating at the lakes, visiting the zoo, just remember the men and women no longer with us.

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