Archive | February 2019

From Me to You on Today, my retirement day!

I can’t believe it’s finally here! I’m so excited! I have worked for the Government in different capacities since 1982. Yup, 1982. Today, 37 years later, I’m retiring. I spent 5 years in the Navy, almost 1 year working for the Navy as a Base Police Officer and 31 years in working for the United States Postal Service. Starting as a letter carrier and progressing to Postmaster for the final 16 years of my service.

I’ve enjoyed every one of the jobs I have done in the past 37 years. Some have been more interesting than others.

But today, today it is time to lay down my hat and say goodbye.

I’m hoping from here on out, my only job will be writer! And blogger! And Grandma!

So, short and sweet, I’m going to enjoy today, say goodbye and relax!