Tag Archive | kingdom of chalvaren romance

Dragonstone ~ An Interview with Paula Millhouse

PaulaBeverly and Tamara: Paula, welcome to SSLY. Thanks so much for joining us today. So first why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Paula Millhouse, and I write stories for fun. I’ve delved into romantic suspense with two novels, now available on Amazon, and two Lunchbox Romances published by Boroughs Publishing Group. I work the Left side of my brain in the medical field all day as a Family Nurse Practitioner, and I work the right side of my brain as an artist and writer by night – and any other minute I can squeeze out of my day. I guess you could say I’m burning up every last brain cell God gave me access to. The two fields really do complement each other, and the result is yet to be determined.

Tamara: What do you HAVE to have when you are writing?

In my morning writing stents, COFFEE, the darker roast the better. Real half-n-half, and occasionally some sugar to cut the bitterness. At night, well…we’ll have to discuss that when we meet in person over drinks, Beverly & Tamara. First round’s on me!

Beverly: When did you start to write?

I have a chest full of stories I was writing at the tender age of 13. My crit buddies and I idolized the Rock Band KISS – each one of us claimed our character – I can’t tell you how those sexy guys spurred our imagination – but it kinda explains my love of the paranormal genre.

Tamara: What do you think are the qualities that make up a “hero”?

Hot. Tortured. In need of a good woman to show him the way through his destined adventures. Alpha males welcome, as always. Beta males considered IF they’re willing to undergo a certain character arc at the hands of his duly assigned heroine… ::Author grins sheepishly and looks longingly at her keyboard::

Beverly: LOL! ::high fives Paula:: Can you describe your favorite character? And which of your books is he/she in? How do you come up with your characters?

Currently, my favorite character is Magnus the baby dragonlet. Only three days old, Magnus first appears in DRAGONSTONE, and he’s captured not only my heart, but the hearts of countless readers. He has a big future in the Kingdom of Chalvaren Romances, and I hope he lives up to all the expectations.
I like to take a typical archetype, say a man-eating dragon, and take authorial privilege and twist-up what a reader would expect of the archetype. It sets a mind to thinking when they read something like that. I believe that readers like to be surprised, and I’m willing to deliver on that.

Tamara: What are the hardest scenes for you to write? Suspense? Sex? Dialogue? And why?

Well, the easiest scenes for me to write are dialogue, and suspense. Sex scenes come naturally to me when the characters are in-the-moment, but they present an awful challenge when mainstream fiction shies away from them like they do. All I can do is listen to my muse and write from the heart. I write in the romance genre, so if a reader doesn’t like to read that type of book, if they’re not my audience, then they should beware and stay out of my books.

Tamara: I so agree with you!
Beverly: ::nodding head vigorously:: What writer, if any, influenced how you write?

Hmmm…there’s so many out there. Amber Belldene, one of my writing pals emboldened me to follow my heart and write scenes that work. So did Madeleine Drake. I love the romance of Deborah Harness’s Discovery of Witches Trilogy, the pacing of Steven James and Harlan Coben’s thrillers, and the romance of the Dragons of Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series.

Tamara: Who would you choose as your “book boyfriend/girlfriend”? From what book? Author?

Definitely the Vampire Matthew Clairmont of Deborah Harkness’s Discovery of Witches fame. Then there’s Andre Mara from Blood Vine by Amber Belldene…Hey – maybe I should branch off into vampire stories?

Beverly: Vat…oops…::removes fangs:: What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done? Or would like to? What? We are all about the love!

Oh, well you’ll have to read my stories to understand my characters to answer that question.

Tamara: What are your favorite types of heroines? Do you like the damsel in distress who needs saving or the kick-ass variety? Why?

Umm…I like the Kick-Ass Heroine, who paints herself into a corner and suddenly realizes she’s a damsel in distress, and wants her Hero to liberate her. I mean, when the Hero swoops in and saves her ass despite all her plotting and refusing him, and she gives in because she knows she need him, and all his skills, yeah – that’s the heroine who works for me. No shrinking violets allowed.

Beverly: What is your “guilty pleasure”?

Dark Chocolate, Killer Red Wine, and a hot romance with a kick-ass heroine and the bad boy who tames her.

Beverly: Oh combine them! Have you ever had chocolate wine? NO???

Tamara: What dream or goals have you yet to realize?

A back list of stories Readers would kill for.

Beverly: What was your most embarrassing moment? It can’t be worse than mine….

(Mentioned in a former interview!) – the Ultimate Faux Pas for a writer – I misspelled my EDITOR’S name when I submitted my MS to him for the first time. Thank Goodness, he’s a nice guy and totally overlooked that in favor of discovering an awesome story he went on to edit, and publish. Such a totally nice guy, a real human, and a pleasure to work with.

Beverly: ::snicker:: oh you seen that huh?

Tamara: If you were a color what would you be and why?

If I were a color I’d be Royal Indigo – the mark of royalty.

Beverly: Who has influenced how you perceive love? Why?

My DH has influenced how I perceive love. He’s a real man – a Jock who at his base level loves to love. He’s romantic, and fun, and happy, and a joy to be married to for 25 years. Always whistling, he’s a Man’s Man, one of my first readers and the guy who tells me if my prose hits the mark, or not. He wants to be buried in his football jersey…

Tamara and Beverly: Okay. We are SSLY so we have to ask. Who loves you?

My DH, my high-school buddies, and my crit group I discovered in a RWA class I took online last year.

Now for some quick fun questions:

Boxers or briefs?
Depends – how much do the briefs reveal?
Coffee or Tea?
Both – Coffee in the morning, and tea early afternoon.
Tall, dark and handsome or Blond and buff?
Blonde and Buff (yeah, that’s DH – blue eyes and all!)
Hairy chest or smooth?
Hairy – for so many reasons
Chocolate or Vanilla?
I LOVE vanilla bean ice cream – but then there’s dark chocolate to consider…
Kinky or Sweet?
Both, in equal measure
Fast or slow?
Public or private?
A sensuous kiss in Public, and I’ll let your imagination wander about what is best in Private…
Top or bottom?
Both – Situation appropriate.

Dragonstone Press Items – 5-12-13

Here’s the blurb:

Elf prince Kort Elias travels to an alternate dimension in search of a stolen royal dragon egg and discovers a lost elven treasure and the missing princess assigned to guard it.
In order to save their future realm, Kort and Mia must blend their auras and wield a spell of carnal magic to release the Dragonstone…and set in motion a prophecy of happiness for themselves and their dragons.

Cover Reveal at Heroes and Heartbreakers: May 7th, 2013
By Paula Millhouse
Published by Boroughs PublishingGroup
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: May 13, 2013
Words: 15,635 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781938876288


Elf prince Kort Elias journeys to a new world in search of a stolen royal dragon egg and discovers a lost elven princess, a prophecy, and danger; and only true love–and an erotic magic he’s never experienced–will set them free.