Character Interview – Caleb – The Bull Rider and the Baby – Jeanine McAdams – Giveaway!


My name is Caleb Cooper. I am from THE BULL RIDER AND THE BARE BOYCOTTER where I consider myself a villain but others would probably call me a pain in the ass. But in my own quirky and loveable way I redeem myself in THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY because I’m the hero of that book. Not a knight in shining armor sort of hero but a good guy nonetheless.

How did you come to your author’s attention?
My brother Logan Cooper is the hero in THE BULL RIDER AND THE BARE BOYCOTTER. Many, many times in that book I told my brother he was an asshole, idiot plus all sorts of other rude stuff. I think the brutal honesty of my words caught Jeanine’s attention. I don’t think she completely agrees with how I treated my brother but it does create one hell of a story with interesting characters.

Did you give your author a hard time when she was writing your story?
No, not at all. I’m not that type of guy. Unlike my brother Logan, I have lots of potential as a human being. It just took a little bit of finessing on Jeanine’s part to turn me from a loudmouth idiot into a sensitive man.

What do you do for a living?
Next question. Holy hell, did you read the title of the book?

Who is the love of your life?
If I told you that THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY would be ruined. It’s called a spoiler. Look it up.

If there is a ‘love of your life’, what was the first thing you noticed about her?
She was pregnant. Hugely pregnant.

What’s your greatest fear?
Falling off a bull, hitting my head and turning into an imbecilic. Then again maybe that’s an old fear. If I were to update my fears, it would be Carrie Wang leaving me. Jesus H. Christ, I can’t believe I just said that. I hope Carrie doesn’t read this interview.

How do the other characters in your book view you?
Carrie thinks I’m (coughs into his hand) HOT. Then again, she probably wouldn’t admit that because I don’t wear a helmet when I climb onto a bull. You see she’s a concussion researcher and she frustrated with me. Carrie’s traditional Chinese mother (in some circles knows as a tiger Mom) thinks I’m not educated enough to marry her daughter.

What do you think the reader will find interesting about you?
My good looks, award-winning personality and ability to get along with people. Ha, ha you almost fell for that I could tell. You know these questions are unfair. It’s tough for a guy to talk about himself.

What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
Now, you’re really pushing it (rolls shoulders). Have sex with a woman that I didn’t impregnate. By the way, Carrie was seven months along at the time we got together but I was gentle. That’s all I’m saying about her, don’t ask me again.

Will we be seeing you in future books?
You betcha. There’s THE BULL RIDER IS A BABE coming next winter. It’s about my sister Cassidy. She wants to compete against the men. You didn’t hear this from me but she’s probably a better rider than Logan and I combined. Her problem is, she’s a lousy Mom. Then again, she’s planning to work on that and I guess she gets involved with Pastor John. Talk about opposites attracting, I don’t know what Jeanine was thinking bringing those two together.

Caleb didn’t want to open his eyes. He knew the pregnant woman was sitting beside his bed because he could smell her. It was that same assertive, smart, and extremely sexy smell his sister-in-law Rachel had. Yes, Caleb had a crush on Rachel and yes, he proposed to her when he thought there was a slim chance his brother wasn’t going to take responsibility for his actions.
Holy hell, why did Caleb keep meeting and falling for women knocked up by some other guy. Why couldn’t he be that other guy? Probably the concussion researcher’s ‘Baby Daddy’ was just as smart and successful as she was. Then they’d have the perfect kid to complete their perfect family. Mother of God, Caleb hated perfect families.
“I know you’re awake,” she said in that take-no-prisoners tone of hers. Rachel spoke the same way when she was annoyed at him. For some damn reason, he liked it. “You may as well open your eyes,” she continued.
Sweet Jesus, why couldn’t she and that smell of hers leave him alone? It was jasmine with a hint of vanilla. Nothing overbearing like the buckle bunnies wore. “I’m not awake,” he mumbled as he covered his eyes with the heels of his hands. Yes, he knew what jasmine smelled like because Rachel drank the tea.
“Do you know you have a Grade III concession?” Then she crossed her legs. Caleb knew she did because he could hear her silky skin rub together. Or maybe she was crossing her arms. No, she couldn’t be that mad at him for getting himself knocked out. He laughed sadly. She was knocked up and he was knocked out.
He pulled his hands off his face and opened his eyes. Dammit, she had crossed her arms. “Did you know the rodeo circuit is no place for a pregnant woman?” he countered. Why, oh why did he have to be attracted to her? If only he could get that smell out of his nose, then maybe he could fight this thing.

“My personal life has nothing to do with you.” She moved closer to the bed and put her hand on his forehead. Her touch felt good as she pushed his hair back. Then she pulled his eyebrow up and at the same time flashed a light in his eye. Son of a gun, that didn’t feel good.
“What the hell?” he asked as his hair flopped back. His hair was like that, unruly. His brother had gotten the good hair, along with the good wife. No, Caleb wasn’t dwelling on the fact he wasn’t meeting any women he liked. Kelly Proctor, sister of the famous buckle bunny Kiddy, wasn’t doing it for him even though she kept trying and trying.

Tamara’s Review

hearts 51Hearts 3

The Bullrider and the Baby continues the spurs and skirt saga, with Caleb’s story. I loved Caleb in The Bullrider and the Bare Boycotter and couldn’t wait to read his story.

Caleb is gruff on the outside, with a heart of gold and so much love to give. His acceptance of Carrie’s pregnancy by another man and all that comes with taking on the responsibility of being an instant father is wonderful.
I loved the characters, even Carrie’s kooky Asian mother. I may have wanted to strangle her a few times, but her heart was in the right place.

The Bullrider and the Baby deals with a lot of hot topics. Unwed pregnancy, cultural mores, education vs intelligence and the power of forgiveness.

This is a wonderful series with a lot of heart. I highly recommend The Bullrider and the Baby.



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